
At CVP, we desire to see the Gospel grow within our families and local church. We equally desire to see the Gospel travel throughout the world. Therefore, we encourage our members to personally fulfill the Great Commission and to take the Good News of Christ’s ministry, death, burial and resurrection to the very ends of the earth. We have also partnered with several local and foreign missionaries/organizations to aid in our outreach and ministry.

Local Ministry


Christian Service Brigade


Christian Service Brigade seeks to equip the men in local churches to point boys and young men to Jesus and to help them grow in the way and into the kind of man that He is.  God created every part of who we are and cares about each part. Our ministry seeks to recognize this by providing program materials, traditions, events, and a culture designed to develop a boy in 4 key areas: mentally, spiritually, physically and socially. Though this model is time tested and scientifically proven to grow healthy well rounded boys, we find our foundation for this approach in the Word of God. In Luke 2:52 we see that  “Jesus increased in wisdom, stature and in favor with God and man.”

Institute For Principle Studies


Institute For Principle Studies was founded in 2005 as a research and educational organization that provides a Christian alternative to the many well-established secular think-tanks.  A return to principle is the path to restoration and it is this “principled path” that the Institute For Principle Studies researches and teaches.

Metanoia Ministries


Metanoia Ministries is a distinctively reformed prison ministry which seeks to serve all of the needs of the Christian prison inmate from Bible studies to assistance in integration into the local church. Metanoia Ministries was founded in 1996 by Pastor Dion L. Marshall and his wife, Shelly, to reach prisoners with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, changing their lives in the here and now and for all eternity.


Foreign Missions

Agape Children’s Ministry


Agape Children’s Ministry is not a children’s home.  It is a place of safety and care that works to reintegrate a child with his or her family.  They seek to rescue, redeem, rehabilitate and reintegrate children from the street into Christian families.

Field and Hearth

Former Central Valley residents, the entire Todd Adams family have been missionaries to Eastern Canada since 2004. Spending most of the year in Quebec, Canada, the Adams minister to individuals and families of Quebec churches who are in crisis. CVP has been blessed as a church to have the opportunity to not only support this ministry financially, but to send members of our church to spend time with the Adams “on the field.”


The Adams Family (Isaac, Austin-Hans, Curtis, Colleen, Isabella (on mom’s lap), Todd, and Emily)

Mission to Myanmar


Mission to Myanmar supports Pastor Naing Thang and 19 churches across Yangon, Rakhine, Chin State and KaChin State.  Their goal is not to Westernize or to outfit the people in Myanmar with all the things we have.  Rather, it is to help our brothers and sisters in Myanmar do what they are already doing, so they can do more. The Apostle Paul told the Galatians we are to “do good unto all men, but especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”

Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship


Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship, is a nonprofit faith mission whose purpose is to practice, train and equip God’s people to do Biblical Evangelism, anywhere, anytime with anyone.

Slavic Reformation Society


The Slavic Reformation Society is a movement of individuals, families and churches committed to seeing the Gospel and the Church of Jesus Christ planted and growing in the Russian speaking world numbering 275 million in Eurasia.

The Slawson Family

The Thomas Slawson family is ministering in St. Petersburg Russia with Interact Ministries. Their vision is as follows: “Our desire is to see the gospel of Jesus Christ transforming the lives of the peoples of Russia by ministering to children with disabilities and by serving within local churches to bring about reformation.” As a church that equips families to engage the world together, we are thrilled to partner with an entire family that serves and ministers together on the mission field.

The Slawson Family (Thomas and Christy with Isaiah)